Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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The fiery color in her palette, however, turned pink. This is the color favored by Dolores Umbridge (Ms. Staunton), whose cheerful English-Aunty behavior ruthlessly masks the autocratic mood. He posts declarations on the walls of Hogwarts, violating the subject of painful punishment, and offers the option of teaching books for practical witchcraft. His purpose was to establish Chief Sandoval's policy on Minister Fudge's respect for the Voldemort threat, and he did a job.
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After Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Harry learns that he will actually get a trial before leaving school - some wizards arrive and take him to a safe house in London. They come from the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society that Voldemort returned to Dumbledore while in power. Harry also learns that the museum's ministry is hiding the truth about Voldemort's return. We think that crooked politicians exist in the wizard world.
At Harry's trial, Dumbledore has successfully defended our beloved son, Wizard, the charges are dropped, and by surprise Harry Potter is back at Hogwarts for his fifth year. There he met a new defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Um-Bridge. It is obvious that Um-Bridge and the Ministry of Magic do not want Hogwarts students to learn any real defensive spells.
When Harry protests that they need to learn how to protect themselves from the dark magic because, well, you know, Voldemort is back, Ambridge punishes him with an exciting chain of words engraving his own hand.
Harry dreamed of attacking Arthur Weasley in the mystery department, saving his life. Subsequently, Dumbledore instructed Snape to give him a motivational education to prevent his mind from Voldemort's influence. Harry began to distance himself from his friends due to imperfection lessons. At the same time, Bellatrix Lestrange, the unlucky cousin of Sirius, escaped from the Azkaban jail along with nine other convicted Death Eaters.
Curiously enough, "Order of the Phoenix", clocking in about two and a half to three hours, is the shortest in the "Harry Potter" movie. The roughly 5-page source is flowing beautifully by screenwriter Michael Goldenberg (replacing Steve Clove) and director David Yates (who follows Chris Columbus, Alfonso Curran, and Mike Neuvel on the job). There are no quidditchs here, and not many divisions of boarding-schools. Instead, "Order of the Phoenix", which begins as a horror movie in the suburbs of Dementor on the suburban underpass, proceeds with an intriguing and neat political thriller with covert meetings, bureaucratic scandalousness, and a close-up of conspiracy hanging in the air.
Upon their return, Dumbledore and Harry discuss the prophecy, and Harry discovers that in the end only one can survive, and he and Voldemort decide to fight each other for the last time. Although this revelation is admirable, Harry spends his school year standing beside his friends optimistic about the future because he knows they have nothing to do with Voldemort: something worth fighting for.